We offer a 45-minute comprehensive tour of our 1300 Loveridge Processing Facility. The facility spans over 40 acres and serves as our resource recovery hub, featuring a newly modernized 17-acre Materials Recovery Facility. Additionally, we have a dedicated Construction and Demolition (C&D) processing line, a transfer station, and an innovative Education Room on site. Our tours are open to students, businesses, service clubs, and the general public. Our interactive tour provides visitors with a firsthand understanding of what happens to the materials in their collection containers.
Facility Tour Programs
Processing Facility Tours – Kids
Our Kids’ Tour is a child-friendly tour that is adapted to interest children between the ages of 6 to 12 years old. We will cover the importance of reducing, reusing, recycling and respecting our environment.
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Processing Facility Tours – Teens
Our 45-minute interactive Teens Tour is geared toward teenagers ages 13 to 19. Our guests will learn firsthand what happens to their waste after it is collected and how state-of-the-art technology is helping us maximize recycling and minimize landfilling. Our tour guide will discuss waste reduction tips and how recycling efforts are helping to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Everyone will have a great time learning how to conserve our natural resources.
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Processing Facility Tours – Adult Tours
Our dynamic tour lets our guests learn firsthand what happens to their waste after it is collected, how we sort different materials using state-of-the-art technology, and where it goes afterward. We will go over waste reduction tips and how our recycling efforts help decrease the harmful effects of greenhouse gas emissions and help to answer all your tricky questions about what items belong and don’t belong.
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Processing Facility Tours – Group Tours
Our Group Tour is great for students and community groups of ten or more. Guests learn firsthand how recycling works and using state-of-the-art technology allows us to efficiently maximize recycling and minimize landfilling. Our tour guides will also cover waste reduction tips, how recycling helps decrease the harmful effects of greenhouse gas emissions and will answer all your tricky questions about what items belong and don’t belong.