Green Waste Recycling
As your Trusted + Proven + Essential environmental partner, Mt. Diablo Resource Recovery serves our customers, communities, and environment responsibly by optimizing the use of the material we collect and process.
We Diverted Over 98 Million Pounds
Of landscape waste in 2023 and turned it into high-quality, nutrient-rich soil amendments.
A Decades-Long Tradition
We take pride in our longstanding tradition of converting the green waste we collect from our service area and the material self-hauled to our facility into compost. From the Earth, back into the Earth: the enriched soil amendment supports local farmers in growing healthy crops of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and plants.
Professional Landscape Waste Diversion Program
Our professional team understands the importance of organized and efficient green waste diversion. To facilitate this, we have established a designated area specifically for green waste consolidation. This space lets us cleanly and effectively sort through the materials, ensuring nothing goes to waste.
The landscape waste collected by our collection trucks and the material self-hauled by local landscape companies and the public undergoes a rigorous transformation at our facility. Our dynamic approach to green waste diversion involves meticulously screening the material for contamination, items that are unacceptable in the green waste recovery process.We remove the contaminates and then employ an industrial-size grinder to break the green waste into manageable, processable pieces. This critical step allows us to prepare the material for its next recycling phase efficiently and effectively.
Recycle With Us
We designed our programs to be user-friendly for homeowners, contractors, and landscaping professionals.

Rent a Debris Box
Our C&D box rentals are processed through our dedicated recovery line, where over 90% of the material is diverted from landfills and recycled.

Self-Haul to Us
Remember to separate yard waste from other materials to qualify for the clean green waste rate, and our team will handle the rest!.

What Is It Recycled Into?
Mt. Diablo Resource Recovery proudly offers sustainable compost created from materials collected through our collection programs and processed at our facility. Our compost undergoes a thorough quality assurance program, including regular analysis for nutrients, metals, and pathogens, to ensure that we produce some of the best compost in the region. You can rely on consistently high-quality soil amendment from our compost.