Solano County
As your Trusted + Proven + Essential environmental partner Mt. Diablo Resource Recovery is one of the few remaining family-owned recycling and resource recovery companies in Northern California. We have proudly served Solano County residents and businesses locally since the 1970s. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best individual service possible. We are here to serve you!
Upcoming Events
Holiday Schedule
MDRR operates regularly on all holidays except Christmas and New Year’s Day. This year, during Christmas and New Year’s week, pickup will be delayed by one day. For example, if you are regularly scheduled for Monday service, you will be picked up on Tuesday. If your regular pickup is on Tuesday, your collection will be on Wednesday, and so on.
Unincorporated Solano County residents receive weekly collection services for garbage, recycling, and organics. The garbage cart must be roadside by 5 am on your scheduled service day with the recycling and organics bags inside or to the side of your garbage cart. Please ensure that the contents are below the rim of the cart with the lid closed properly.
Mt. Diablo Resource Recovery is proud to provide comprehensive residential collection service bundles for one monthly price!

Garbage: Residents received a 96-gallon green garbage cart for weekly collection.

Recyclables: Residents are provided 52 blue bags for recyclables at no additional charge.

Organics: Residents are provided 52 green bags for organics at no additional charge.
*delivery of recycling and organic bags is annually in January.
Service Day Lookup
Extra Curbside Services
On-Call Bulky Pickup: Once per calendar year, residents may schedule a pickup of two (2) bulky items. Bulky items may include appliances, furniture, or electronics weighing no more than 200 lbs.
Household Battery Recycling: Scheduled in advance and placed in a clear plastic bag and to the side of their garbage cart, residents may place out household batteries for pickup.
Used Motor Oil Recycling Kits: Residents can request Used Motor Oil Recycling Kits, which include a free 6-quart oil container and motor oil filter sleeve. Once the kit is full, contact Customer Service to schedule pickup.
Compost Pickup: Scheduled in advance, residents can pick up one cubic yard of compost from our Processing Facility & Transfer Station. Please connect with Customer Service to schedule a pickup date and time.
Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off: Scheduled in advance, residents may drop off and safely dispose of automobile batteries, paint, antifreeze, and other household hazardous waste products at our Processing Facility & Transfer Station. Please connect with Customer Service to set an appointment.
Three (3) Landfill Passes: Annually, customers may request up to three (3) landfill passes. With each pass, they can drop off up to 3 cubic yards of material to Recology Hay Road, located at 6426 Hay Road, Vacaville.
Holiday Tree Recycling: Scheduled in advance, holiday trees will be collected roadside on your regular collection day. Trees must be undecorated, unflocked, and cut into (3) three-foot sections with the stand removed and placed next to your garbage cart.
Take bare, uncut Christmas trees to our Processing Facility & Transfer Station during regular business hours. One tree per vehicle at no charge.
Billing and Rates
Residents are billed monthly for collections services in advance. Please remember that payments for services are due upon receipt. For more information regarding billing, visit our FAQs.
Mt. Diablo Resource Recovery offers a variety of service levels to fit your business needs. Choose between carts or various metal bin sizes with tailored service frequency to keep your business running smoothly. All material must fit entirely inside the container with the lid closed. Containers must be ready for pickup no later than 4 am on your scheduled collection day.

Recyclables: Businesses are provided 52 blue bags for recyclables at no additional charge.

* Container availability is based on current bin inventory. Delivery of recycling and organics bags is annually in January.
Extra Services
Special Pickups: Bulk items such as office furniture, shelving, and display fixtures cannot go in your collection containers. Contact our office to arrange a special pickup.
Off-Day Pickups: Collection is available on days other than regularly scheduled collection for an additional fee. Please contact our office to place an off-day request.
Billing & Rates
What Goes Where
Unacceptable Materials For All Collection Containers:
- Tires, automotive parts, and fluids
- Batteries
- Bricks, stones, gravel, concrete, and other building materials
- Electronics and small appliances
- Bulk items or furniture
- Fluorescent bulbs or tubes
- Gas, aerosol, propane tanks or cans
- Hazardous materials such as paints, pesticides, driveway sealant, treated wood waste, contaminated soils, or solids
- Other medical or special wastes
Recycling Mandates
COMPLIANCE IS EASY & WE ARE HERE TO HELP! Contact our Outreach Team for a consultation.
SB 1383 SHORT-LIVED CLIMATE POLLUTANT REDUCTION STRATEGY: The State has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving human health, and creating clean jobs that support resilient local economies. Implementing the statewide plan under SB 1383 will reduce short-lived, harmful super pollutants with significant warming impacts and is essential to achieving California’s climate goals. Click here to view our webpage dedicated to the legislation.
COMPLIANCE IS EASY & WE ARE HERE TO HELP! Contact our Outreach Team for a consultation.
SB 1383 SHORT-LIVED CLIMATE POLLUTANT REDUCTION STRATEGY: The State has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving human health, and creating clean jobs that support resilient local economies. Implementing the statewide plan under SB 1383 will reduce short-lived, harmful super pollutants with significant warming impacts and is essential to achieving California’s climate goals. Click here to view our webpage dedicated to the legislation.
AB 341 MANDATORY COMMERCIAL RECYCLING: As of July 1, 2012, California requires all businesses that generate 4 or more cubic yards of garbage a week and 5 units or more multifamily dwellings to recycle.
AB 827 COMMERCIAL ORGANICS & RECYCLING BINS: As of July 1, 2022, businesses subject to AB 1826 and AB 341 must provide customers with easily accessible recycling and organics collection containers to sort materials generated on the premises.
AB 1826 COMMERCIAL ORGANICS: Starting January 1, 2020, all generators of 2 cubic yards or more of garbage, recycling, and compost combined per week are required to recycle organic waste. Organic waste includes food scraps, soiled paper products, yard trimmings, and landscape materials. Multifamily dwellings, 5 units or more, do not need food-waste recycling on-site but must recycle their landscape waste.

Hazardous Waste: Safely dispose of hazardous products to keep your home and community safe. Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) CAN NOT go into your collection carts. When HHW ends up in the wrong place, it can cause truck or facility fires and severe threats to humans, wildlife, and the environment.
Scheduled in advance, our unincorporated Solano County customers can bring their HHW to our Recycling Center & Transfer Stations. Please contact Customer Service to schedule a date and time for drop off.

Sharps: State laws make it illegal to dispose of home-generated sharps and controlled medications in your garbage and require drop-off at an authorized collection facility.
For sharps container drop-off, click here.

Pharmaceuticals: Free of charge, unwanted, out-of-date, unused medications can be dropped off and safely disposed of at one of these convenient locations.

Electronic Waste: Electronic Waste (e-waste) such as TVs, computers, tablets, and cell phones cannot go in your collection containers.
Depending on the item, retailers such as Best Buy, Apple, and Staples have tech-back mail-in or drop-off programs to accept small electronics for FREE or a small fee.
Due to special handling requirements, we can also pick up electronics with a separate truck for a fee.
Contaminated & Overloaded Container Policy
To help offset additional processing and disposal costs, it is Mt. Diablo Resource Recovery’s policy to charge for containers when they are continuously contaminated or overloaded.
For residential customers, there is a surcharge of $50 per contaminated or overloaded cart. For multifamily and commercial customers, there is a surcharge of $75 per cart and $150 per bin. The fee will automatically apply to the account after the 2nd notice and each subsequent infringement.
Multifamily and Businesses, MDRR will provide copies of each notice issued to the customer for Prohibited Container Contaminates/Overloaded, as well as the date of issue, the customer’s name and service address, a photo of the contamination and reason(s) for the issuance.
Municipal Codes
Solano County Code Section 23-30 states: “All persons residing in, a congested area and all commercial or industrial establishments shall be required to obtain mandatory services of a Contractor who has obtained a solid waste, recyclables and green waste collection permit for that Service Area from the Department of Resource Management, Environmental Health Services Division.”
Mt. Diablo Resource Recovery Local Office
Solano County
100 Main St, Rio Vista CA 94517
Phone: (707) 374-5644
Office business hours are Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM.
Please note our offices are closed from 1-2 for lunch.